This must be the most expensive Omu Rice I’ve ever eaten. ¥2,370, or about 22 USD. Whether it’s worth the price is debatable, but I can say that it’s very very good.

To put things in perspective, Omu Rice is diner food in Japan.This Japanized Western dish is tasty and straightforward – it’s an omelette containing fried rice.
But at the restaurant Origami, Omu Rice sits on a higher plateau. A premium is charged since Origami is located in the fancier “The Capitol Hotel Tokyu”. Given this hotels’ proximity to Nagatacho (which has many government offices), you’ll find yourself among Tokyo’s political elite.

We’ve sprung a leak
This premium Omu Rice is no doubt intricately prepared. The omelette boasts both a runnier and drier egg texture and the fried rice tucked inside is full of flavor – with shrimp, bacon and onions. Normally Omu Rice is topped off with ketchup but the sauce here, while being sweet, is more complex.

If you want to like to eat Japanese comfort food like a local politician would, you should visit Origami.
Train Station: Tameike-sanno (Ginza Line, Namboku Line)